Following the introduction of our new telephone system we are happy to announce that we have a prescribing line for the ordering of repeat prescriptions.

This means that patients can now ring the prescribing line and without any delay leave a message giving their name, date of birth, and a list of the medication they require.

This will free up the incoming calls to the surgery making it easier to get through with a query or to make an appointment.

It will also mean less queuing on the phone lines while waiting to order a repeat prescription.

Currently the line is open from 8.30am Monday to 1pm Friday but from 2nd October 2023 this will change to 7am-1pm every day.

The system has proved very popular with patients already and we hope that all our patients appreciate all the efforts made to make their contact with the Health Centre easier.  We would also encourage patients to consider online repeat prescription ordering which is a convenient and accurate way to order repeat medications.  Please call reception on 028 38 831225 to discuss.

The number to call is 028 375 63815