
Please telephone 0283831225 during opening hours or call into the Health Centre. For an urgent appointment in the morning please call between 8.30am – 11.00am and in the afternoon between 2.00pm – 3.00pm. Urgent cases will be seen same day as far as possible (this may not be with a doctor of your choice). If you are unable to attend please inform us as soon as possible. Appointments are scheduled for 10 minutes.  If you feel that you require additional time please inform us when booking appointment.

If you are calling for an emergency or urgent same-day appointment the GPs would appreciate it if you could give the receptionist as much detail as possible about your condition.  Your receptionist is trained to a very high standard and may be able to direct you to an alternative more suitable option where you will be seen more speedily.  For example, she may recommend an optician, a pharmacist or nurse clinic, or she may feel you should attend A&E.  All the receptionists are under the same duty of confidentiality as the other health care professionals working in the Health Centre and your information is safe in their hands.

We are now operating a Did Not Attend (DNA) policy after an increasing number of both pre-booked GP & nurse appointments have been missed without explanation.  Missed appointments are a waste of time for the clinician, a waste of NHS money and an appointment slot empty which could have been used for someone else.  If you cannot attend please call the surgery and explain.  Appointments can be re-allocated even at short notice.  Our Policy states that after 3 DNA’s without reasonable excuse within a 12 month period, the patient’s continuing registration will be discussed at the Partners Meeting and a decision reached whether to remove the patient from our list.