New Patient Registrations

Practice Area

We register new patients who live within a 5 mile radius of the practice.  If you are unsure please call the surgery and we will advise you.

Anyone wishing to register must live inside the practice area. You will be required to bring photographic ID and proof of address.  We would request that you complete a questionnaire before attending for initial appointment.

If you are a new patient wishing to register with us, please download the new patient questionnaire below.

Depending on your circumstances there may be other forms to complete or other documents required for your registration. If you are moving from a GP in Northern Ireland or Great Britain please download and complete the HS200 form below and return to the surgery with a proof of ID and a proof of address.  

Please call the surgery beforehand or call in at reception to discuss.

If you are coming from a country outside of the UK (including Ireland) you will have to complete an HSCR1 form and attach the information as specified on the form.